Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Drugs are of different varities, but they all do the same thing.they ruin life and invite lead health.it leader a man
 to death. the main reason that youths because to addit is because of the friends. when friends force them to take,it they take it for fun. but if they take it once, they want to take it again and again, day by day become habituaed. they ask pocked money from their parents by saying it for books and school bills. when the parents come to know it they greathy get shocked.
  Ganja is freely available in nepal. they take it in the name of lord shiva in shivaratri, this hs lead to many young boys and girls.other drugs like brown sugar, hashish and other forms are also available. but it is expensive for them.using drugs is distrously bad,it suins health first ,it kills th brain cells that leads loss of memory power,if leads to family disharmony.many drugs addits have been known to murder therir own parents.this brings death,if they do not die,policemen catch them and put in jail use of drugs has mo benifit, it only has very bas and negative import an the person. so we should always keep us away from using it and we should also adise other not to use it.

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